Their recipe is so classical:
First a title to imply that they really have lots of solid data to present to us, and an introduction that confidently claims that "The Earth is changing faster than at any point in human memory as a result of human-caused global heating".
Then, they say that the current warming started in the mid-1800s "when we began burning fossil fuels at an industrial scale", without mentioning that the CO2 emissions were minute up until the 1950s and 60s, when they exploded. The warming thus started long before any significant CO2 emissions, and the connection they want us to believe in is therefore false. But they didn't lie!...
After having made the false connection, they say what the greenhouse effect "causes hotter temperatures, rises in sea level, disruption to ecosystems and more extreme weather.
Scientists have forecast that if the world passes 2C of heating above pre-industrial levels, the consequences will be catastrophic for billions of people around the world." But this is just talk... No data has yet been presented!
Finally, after all this introduction, when the reader already has been told exactly what to expect, we go into the actual data... And what data do they have? A temperature increase of about 1 °C since the end of the Little Ice Age, CO2 rise, some modest ice loss and a sea level rise of 7 cm in 30 years (2.5 mm/yr, 25 cm/century)... No data over the beginning of the alleged eco-system disruption, the extreme weather or anything at all to indicate the impending catastrophic consequences for billions of people!
Surely, if such data existed, they would have been overjoyed to show them!... But of course, they don't. There IS no measurable increase in droughts, heavy rainfall, storms, tornadoes, forest fires, crop loss or ANYTHING that's bad and climate related... Instead, we have crop gains, a greening world, reducing poverty and improving human health and life length all around! The article, however, asserts that if the entire Antarctic icecap would melt, this would "prove catastrophic for global sea level rise"... carefully avoiding to mention that at the melt-off rate given – 150 gigatonnes/yr – this would take 177,000 years... That's almost two ice ages from now! Will people even be people at that time?
The Guardian ends their article with a little box saying "If there were ever a time to join us, it is now". Oh Guardian... I guess there wasn't ever a time to join you!
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